What the hashtag?
Two of these images are popular hashtags that have surfaced over the last few years. One is not. The #blacklivesmatter is a hashtag to bring attention to the way that black people are treated in the United States. Whether you are for it or against it, it has been a popular topic in the news and social media. People are trying to come together and use social media to their advantage. The use of hashtags is to come together with people of the same beliefs as you and show your support.
People argue that a popular hashtag may not accomplish any sort of change. This is true. But isn't spreading the word and showing support better than dismissing the topic all together. While hashtags may not raise money themselves, it has the potential to reach someone who can afford to donate money to a cause and help in that way. It has the ability to bring issues to the public's attention and educate them, to make a better decision. There may not be an overwhelming amount of financial support coming from a simple hashtag, but there is no harm in it.
The third picture is of a post that may not be going towards a cost, but to someones self interest. Many people use hashtags to gain followers on social media, get connected with people of similar interests or simply because they feel like it and they can.
Whether you #Love it or #Hate it. Hashtags are a trend that I do not see #dying any time soon.
I agree with you that hashtags are not going to go away any time soon, sadly while it is annoying several people are still going to be using it. Who knows perhaps it will improve better instead of it being annoying.